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    Furnace Maintenance

    Boost the Life of Your Furnace with Efficient Furnace Maintenance Services

    The energy efficiency of your furnace is dependent on its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). This indicates how much of your fuel is used for heating and how much is lost due to combustion. So, it is recommended to get the annual furnace maintenance job done. DR HVAC Inc is the one-stop solution for all your furnace maintenance needs. Get in touch with us for effective furnace maintenance services.

    Gas Annual Furnace Maintenance

    How to Know When Your Furnace Needs Maintenance

    For many homeowners, the challenge is recognizing the warning signs that tell you it’s time for furnace maintenance in Woodbridge and Dumfries. To help demystify this issue, here are some red flags you may notice. If any of the following describes your situation, book an appointment right away:

    • The air quality has changed — If you find yourself coughing or sneezing when you turn on the furnace, there is something wrong. A poorly functioning furnace can cause bad air quality, leading to health concerns for you and your household.
    • Your furnace sounds strange — A furnace in need of repairs will often make warning noises such as grinding, squealing and clunking. If you hear these sounds when your furnace is operating, it could have a mechanical issue that needs to be addressed.
    • Your electric bill has gone up — If your electric bills seem higher than normal, it could be a sign that the furnace isn’t working properly. An inefficient system will cost you more money to run, which is why it’s vital to get it checked out. Studies have shown proper maintenance save you as much as 30% on your energy bill!
    • The furnace starts and stops — Have you noticed your furnace turns off and on frequently while trying to heat your home? Does it experience a short-cycle, where it turns on/off so much that it stops running entirely? If so, make the call for help.

    How to Ensure Longevity to Your Furnace

    With high-efficiency furnace maintenance, you can boost the life of your furnace. You can –

    • Schedule an appointment with a professional to tune it up before turning it off for a long time. They will check your furnace, test your heat exchanger for cracks, clean your pilot light, inspect the ventilation system, and much more, and repair them if required.
    • Change the furnace filter at least once every 90 days. If you have replaced it before the winter comes, replace it again and keep it at its best performing condition.
    • Use a programmable or smart thermostat to save money on energy bills.
    • Check the furnace flame color and characteristics from time to time. If you find the furnace flame is blue with a small yellow tip, it works well. If you find the colors are different, like red, orange, green, etc., it can indicate a fuel/burner problem. During the home furnace maintenance, a professional will do the repair work.
    • Professional gas furnace maintenance is a must. If you smell gas when it is on, do not operate any electrical components and evacuate the home as soon as possible. Call a professional HVAC contractor and let them handle it.

    How Much Does Furnace Maintenance Cost?

    Many of our clients are concerned about saving money on their heating. If your budget tempts you to skimp on regular maintenance, we are happy to set the record straight. This is the most cost-effective way to attend to your furnace. You might be surprised to learn how affordable maintenance can be. It can even help you cut down on heating bills.

    Getting Started

    SKeeping your furnace in good shape does not need to be difficult with an expert like Dr Hvac inc in your corner. Whether you need furnace maintenance in Woodbridge,Dumfries,Stafford, anywhere in Northern Virginia and Maryland we’re at your service. To schedule an appointment for furnace maintenance contact us today 703-869-9524

    The Value of Regular Furnace Maintenance

    The best way to keep your furnace functioning properly for the long haul is through regular maintenance and service. Even when your system is working properly, regular checkups can prevent serious problems from developing. Regular maintenance can help detect leaking gas or odorless carbon monoxide before it becomes a dangerous situation. It also may fulfill the requirements of your manufacturer’s warranty. Also, obviously, it can help keep you warm and cozy all season. If you wait until your furnace has broken down to schedule a repair, you’re liable to experience a stressful, uncomfortable situation without heat. Regular furnace maintenance is also important to keep you from overpaying for utilities due to an inefficient system.

    Northern Virginia Homeowners Love Our Maintenance Agreements

    Now that you know why maintaining your furnace yearly is so crucial to your home comfort, you can make it an important part of your fall to-do list. With prompt and professional attention from Dr Hvac inc, you will rest easy knowing that your heating is in good hands. You’ll also appreciate how hard we work to put your home’s heating system on the right path. Our expert team is committed to providing quality furnace maintenance in Woodbridge,Dumfries,Stafford,anywhere in Northern Virginia,and Maryland that maximizes the efficiency and functionality of your system. We offer a comprehensive maintenance agreement that grants you priority service and scheduling, as well as discounts on related services.

    Why Choose Us

    Maintaining your furnace requires efficiency. A person should have the right knowledge to deal with your make and model. Whenever you call a technician from DR HVAC Inc for furnace maintenance service, we –

    • Diagnose your system
    • Make the necessary minor repairs and
    • Deep clean your furnace to make it highly effective.

    We always ensure you get the best quality solution for all your furnace maintenance needs and extend the life of your furnace. Get in touch with us today for efficient furnace maintenance.